Popular I Shaped Mixer Grinder with unique Leaf design.
1% stainless steel jars with flow breakers for fine grinding. Motor with 1,5 RPM at load condition for fine grinding|
High grade nylon couplers for smooth trouble free operation|
Clear transparent polycarbonate dome and lid|
Life long free service|
Totally shock proof ABS body|
Oil filled sintered bronze bushes for extended bush life|
PVC insulated 3 core, flexicord with 6 Amps plugtop and earthing|
Power: 6 watts; Operating voltage: 23 volts|
Includes: 1 Mixer grinder, 1 1.5 Litre big jar, 1 1. Litre middle jar and 1 .4 Litre chutney jar with small bottle|
Country of Origin: India. Warranty: 2 years.